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If interested, email your current NIH Biosketch along with a paragraph describing your current nutrition or obesity research interests.
Showing 11 - 19 of 19 results.
"Macrophage pathways link obesity to accelerated atherogenesis and breast cancer"
Annual meeting to bring together those in the field of obesity and discuss the latest findings. Attendance is free for all.
Dr. Pi-Sunyer and Dr. Gallagher published on CUIMC website
"Greater Neonatal FatāFree Mass and Similar Fat Mass Following a Randomized Trial to Control Excess Gestational Weight Gain" paper selected for special issue
Lisa Cole Burnett Awarded 2017 Best Paper by a NYORC based investigator in the area of nutrition or obesity
Northwestern Study
St-Onge publication 8-22-18
Leibel Publication in JAMA
New Initiative Explores Obesity-Brain Connection with Support from Russell Berrie Foundation